Sunday, July 01, 2007

Olallieberry U-Pick

"Live each season as it passes - breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit". You have heard this before, and now you are hearing it again. But I can't emphasize it enough. I've gone to pick berries again. I thought it would be my last time but the fever seems to have spread from here to there and back here again.

Berry nice! Berry fun ! Berry Berry! Gone ~berry berry~ picking. “Olallie” is a word for berry that was used by the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest. Berry Berry U-Pick! Olallieberries U-Pick! (oops, tigerfish gone berry crazy!).

Olallieberry (pronounced oh-la-leh). My first encounter with olallieberry was almost a year ago, after tasting an olallieberry pie in Duarte Tavern and blogging about the fruit.

Olallieberry certainly has a complicated heritage - a cross between the loganberry (itself a cross between blackberry and raspberry) and the youngberry (itself a cross between blackberry and dewberry). Berry complicated. As the olallieberry has blackberry on both sides of its parentage, it exhibits many similar characteristics of the blackberry.

Looking alike some special vineyard variety

Berry speaks: I'm just here for a short while for you...1st three weeks in June

Most berries have high antioxidants levels

From here...

To here...

What's best - at $2/lb, these olallieberries are organically certified

With four punnets, I paid 6 bucks (hey, $6 for these organic berries is relatively inexpensive, ok?), and I'm not going to make any pies or bakes out of them, for reasons you know why. It'll just be berries as-is, with yogurt, with breakfast cereals, smoothies...hey, that's soooooo berry boring. Ok then, berries anything else ?

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